9 月 2010
1 默认产品的大图,要把它修改为不管上传的图片多大,都会自动更改为640×480大小。
The solution for this case is to hack the main product image resize to max height/width 600px, open the the file in administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/imageTools.class.php file. Locate the following code.
original code
// Resize the Full Image if( !empty ( $_FILES[$tmp_field_name]["tmp_name"] )) { $full_file = $_FILES[$tmp_field_name]["tmp_name"]; $image_info = getimagesize($full_file); }Replace with the following code
// Beginning of Modify by DesignerSandbox // resize the full product image dynamically and give it maximal dimensions 600x600 during uploading // Resize the Full Image if( !empty ( $_FILES[$tmp_field_name]["tmp_name"] )) { $full_file = $_FILES[$tmp_field_name]["tmp_name"]; $image_info = getimagesize($full_file); $original_height = $image_info[1]; $original_width = $image_info[0]; if ($original_height > $original_width) { $largewidth = (480 / $original_height) * $original_width; $largeheight = "480px"; } else { $largeheight = (640 / $original_width) * $original_height; $largewidth = "640px"; } //Get Image size info list($original_width, $original_height, $image_type) = getimagesize($full_file); switch ($image_type) { case 1: $im = imagecreatefromgif($full_file); break; case 2: $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($full_file); break; case 3: $im = imagecreatefrompng($full_file); break; default: trigger_error('Unsupported filetype!', E_USER_WARNING); break; } $big = imagecreatetruecolor($largewidth, $largeheight); /* Check if this image is PNG or GIF, then set if Transparent*/ if(($image_type == 1) OR ($image_type==3)) { imagealphablending($big, false); imagesavealpha($big,true); $transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($big, 255, 255, 255, 127); imagefilledrectangle($big, 0, 0, $largewidth, $largeheight, $transparent); } imagecopyresampled($big, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $largewidth, $largeheight, $original_width, $original_height); //Generate the file, and rename it to $newfilename switch ($image_type) { case 1: imagegif($big,$full_file); break; case 2: imagejpeg($big,$full_file); break; case 3: imagepng($big,$full_file); break; default: trigger_error('Er ging iets fout!', E_USER_WARNING); break; }} // end of edit by DesignerSandbox
2 上传额外的图片时候,把默认的尺寸设置改为640×480:
打开:/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/html/product.file_form.php 文件,
<?php echo $VM_LANG->_(‘PHPSHOP_PRODUCT_FORM_HEIGHT’);?>: <input type=”text” name=”fullimage_height” value=”500″ />
<?php echo $VM_LANG->_(‘PHPSHOP_PRODUCT_FORM_WIDTH’);?>: <input type=”text” name=”fullimage_width” value=”500″ /></div>
<?php echo $VM_LANG->_(‘PHPSHOP_PRODUCT_FORM_HEIGHT’);?>: <input type=”text” name=”fullimage_height” value=”480″ />
<?php echo $VM_LANG->_(‘PHPSHOP_PRODUCT_FORM_WIDTH’);?>: <input type=”text” name=”fullimage_width” value=”640″ /></div>